More leads, more sales, more profits.
And there are few things more frustrating than
having the marketing budget, and still not being able to get more.
- Maybe you’ve been told that your market is just tapped out. Or, that if you spend more money, your ROI will be terrible. Or, that you should settle for what you’ve got.You can do better. At Avrick Consulting, a marketing consulting firm with nearly a century of combined experience, we’ve faced this problem many times. We’ve always believed that you should be able to get more, and have proven that you CAN. Our principals have created successful marketing programs on 4 continents.When Craftmatic was using all of the available efficient spot TV, David Avrick invented the first infomercial. And it generated over 100,000 leads the very first year. For a B-T-B company we created the first post-card deck. When there haven’t been enough affordable media, we’ve created new ones. National and international brands have looked to Avrick Consulting for leads, subscriptions, members and buyers. Newsweek, Time, TV Guide, Sports Illustration and several dozen others looked to Avrick Consulting for new subscribers. A dozen insurance companies turned to Avrick for new policy buyers. Avrick has created ground breaking direct marketing selling diet pills, arthritis pain relief pills, retirement communities, and dozens of other products. We generated millions of leads for financial institutions.Avrick has created new formats for advertising that generated over 300,000 replies in Parade Magazine, and 10,000 responses every 6 weeks in Reader’s Digest for years and years. He wrote, “I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.” for client Life Alert. He also saw the opportunity to turn 5 million sheets of used Warner Brothers celluloid, gathering dust and incurring storage fees, into a collection industry of a product known today as animated art cels.Our track record speaks for itself. We’ve generated over 100 million responses (over 37 million for Craftmatic alone), and billed over a billion dollars in list rental fees. That’s no doubt significantly more than anyone else in the world.
And We can do it for you
You don’t need another marketing plan, and you certainly don’t need any more committee meetings. What you need are results. And that’s what we deliver. We work with your marketing team or your advertising agency, and guide them towards new marketing opportunities.
You need someone who understands data. In our long experience we have found that most people really don’t know who their customer is, nor why their customers act the way they do. We had a client with over a million mail-order buyers. His entire marketing approach targeted single urban women looking to “catch a husband”. We did a detailed market analysis and found he was completely wrong. His customers were actually married women with children living in the suburbs. His advertising agency was buying space in media that appealed to the wrong prospects.
Similarly, we have clients who use zip+4 census statistics to select names for their direct mail campaigns. They think they know what a zip+4 really means, that if a zip+4 indicates an age of 55 they are reaching people age 55. In reality, that zip+4 could be made up of people in their 30s and 70s that averageage 55. With gentrification younger people are moving into city neighborhoods currently populated by people who are living on social security – they may average 55 years of age, but none of them are close to that age. We know data, and we know how to use it.
Until 1994, we owned Avrick Direct, then the premier compiler of several unique mailing lists. It was so successful, we shipped over 2.5 billion records a year to all of the major data resellers in the country.
We will quickly assess your company data for hidden opportunities to improve conversions, upselling and cross selling.We have started, managed and consulted to hundreds of companies – specializing in direct response advertising and lead generation.
We will find additional profit centers for you. There may be opportunities to have other companies market and sell your products or services, or for you to sell theirs. This can often be done with little to no out-of-pocket expense to you.
If you want to move from: “We’re working on it” to “We’re doing it” we can help you.
We’ve created breakthroughs in direct mail, package inserts, television, telemarketing, print, product development, etc. Tens of thousands of people have linked with us on LinkedIn, and over 1,000 of those have endorsed us in the areas of direct marketing, lead generation, direct mail, customer acquisition, database marketing, email and online marketing, marketing strategy, and many similar categories.
If you want MORE, let us help you achieve it.
Give us a call today at (805) 963-8888,
or send us an email, [email protected]
We look forward to speaking with you.